Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case Study on Alcoholism Essay - 4147 Words

Introduction: The ingestion of alcoholic beverages for their enjoyable effects is a custom which has been around for thousands of years, and alcohol continues to be a popular drug because of its short-term effects (Coleman, Butcher Carson, 1984). An enormous amount of damage can be attributed directly to alcohol abuse as a result of lost jobs, accidents caused by drunk drivers, and so forth (Maltzman, 2000). Alcohol also compounds other problems--an estimated 25% to 40% of hospital patients have problems caused by, or recovery delayed by alcohol abuse (Maltzman, 2000). Clinical psychologists spend about one-fourth of their time dealing with people who are suffering in part from alcohol or other substance problems (Vaillant,†¦show more content†¦The American Medical Association in 1977 reported that alcoholism is an ?illness characterized by significant impairment that is directly associated with persistent and excessive use of alcohol. Impairment may involve physiologic al, psychological or social dysfunction? (Maltzman, 2000, p.43). A final quote by Stanley E. Gitlow of Mount Sinai School of medicine suggests that ?alcoholism is a disease characterized by the repetitive and compulsive indigestion of any sedative such a way as to cause interference in some aspects of the subjects life, be it in the area of interpersonal relationships, job, marriage, or physical health. It is absolutely critical to appreciate that this definition does not in any way specify which sedative agent is used, the frequency of its use, or the amount ingested? (O?Brien Chafetz, 1982, p.26). Based on the above various quotations, it can be said that there is a wide opinion on the classification and the definition of alcoholism. The Patient: WG is an alcoholic or substance abuser according to the outlines set forth in the DSM-IV. WG is a 24 year old male and currently resides at his father?s dwellings in Red Deer, Alberta. As the result of numerous years of drinking to excess have forced this man into the situation that he now finds himself. WG does not currently have his driver?s license because he received an impaired ticket from the police late last year and lost his license for a year. WG has a casualShow MoreRelatedWhat Factors Contribute to Alcoholism?663 Words   |  3 PagesA variety of alcoholism cases develop from factors that cause an individual to develop alcoholism. These two factors are genetic factors as well as environmental and risk factors. About 50 percent cases of alcoholism are related to genetic factors and the remaining 40 percent is related to risk and environmental factors. 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