Sunday, January 5, 2020

Should Alcohol Drinking Age Be Decreased of Increased Essays

Should alcohol drinking age be decreased of increased? In my opinion it should be decreased because if we are classified as an adult and we are allowed to get married and etc. Why are we not allowed to drink. Lowering the drinking age would teach kids how to be more responsible at a younger age. If kids are just cut off from things, they are just going to find a way around it anyway. Kids just need to learn to do things in moderation. Because unfortunate, adults arent responsible with alcohol either. Maybe if they were not taught that drinking was a rebel thing at a young age we wouldnt have so many alcoholics or so many kids over doing it at parties. People use alcohol for numerous reasons; peer pressure, celebration,†¦show more content†¦I mean any way you put it, they are getting it. We have all heard of the famous saying â€Å"we want you to join the military and protect your country.† Well, you are telling me that I can legally kill someone at the age of eighteen, while I sign up with the military and go to w ar but I can’t have a sip of alcohol. Due to this none senseless situation, age should be equaled. In other words, if voting and military sign up is eighteen, then drinking should also be eighteen. Besides at the age of eighteen you are legally an adult. Why can’t we drink then? Drinking age in Australia is eighteen, and in UK is as low as sixteen in restaurants. Studies have showed that those teens/adults are perfectly fine. In fact, Dr. Ruth Engs; professor of Applied Health Sciences at Indiana University in Bloomington, uses this examples to propose the following: â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦the drinking age be lowered to about 18 or 19 and permit those of legal age to consume in socially controlled environment such as restaurants and official school and university functions† (direct quote from Dr. Engs). Drinking age should be lowered, and I know that by lowering it we can drop the percentage of reckless teen alcohol abusers. It is worth trying it , and if everythi ng goes the opposite then change the law once more which is done lots of times, for dumb reasons and raise the drinking age back to twenty-one. Changes are always good most of the times, and I know this one in particular is an excellentShow MoreRelatedThe Generations Of People Who Were Born After 1984 Have1284 Words   |  6 Pagesafter 1984 have only known the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) to be 21 years old. 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