Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Caribbean Journal free essay sample

Caribbean Journal He stands outside the fencing looking in. Inside, sunbathers relishing their flesh some white, some black, and some of other skins diving and swimming, feign not to notice him, fingers of doubt spread wide, gripping holes of mesh. Some people on the grass are picnicking. His pants are torn; he does not have a shirt; his face, a mask of sun-flaked grease and dirt, too young to understand his day’s events, dreams mountain-slide of magic dollars and cents to cancel knowledge of the stomach’s pain; eyes learning what will later reach his brain. In time they’ll be afraid to hear his curse at god’s unholy Sunday-school arrangement, put him inside wire-mesh or worse, and sunbathe in the same sun on his hearse or perish if his bullet gets them first. [Cecil Gray] 1. In a single word or short phrase, state what you consider to be the most dominant subject or idea that the poem communicates. We will write a custom essay sample on Caribbean Journal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (1 mark) Classism, rich versus the poor. 2. In a single sentence, state the theme or statement that the poem makes (implies) about the subject you selected. (2 marks) Classism places the poor at a disadvantage as their future is often dictated based on stereotypical views. 3. Identify and list three effective techniques or devices that help to convey this statement. For each device you identified, write a brief statement (one sentence) explaining its effectiveness (what it contributes to the poem, its function). (6 marks) The speaker made use of metaphors, visual imageries and rhyme to convey the subject of classism. The metaphor such as ‘his face, a mask of sun-flaked grease and dirt’ was strictly implied by the speaker to describe how the young poor boy looked, in a demeaning way- he was not even compared to, his features were directly grease and dirt, hence the stereotyping, classism. The visual imageries such as, â€Å"Inside, sunbathers relishing their flesh†, provided a vivid description of the social classes and also explained profoundly the future the speaker predicts for the young, poor boy. The rhyme allowed for better understanding of the poem, as it allows for the poem to be read a certain way emphasizing on certain words and providing a natural flow to the poem. 4. Taking into consideration your responses thus far, formulate a working thesis you could use to guide your analysis of this poem. (5 marks) The speaker presents two conflicting social classes, the rich versus the poor. With the use of rhyme, metaphors and visual imageries, the speaker effectively portrayed how the poorer class youths are negatively stereotyped. 5. Using between 80 and 100 words, present the introductory paragraph (which of course must include your thesis) of the critical analysis essay you would write. (6 marks) Classism has been an ongoing social problem in the Caribbean. Too often the poorer people are being oppressed, marginalised and stereotyped, due to their limited and inadequate resources. As a result of this, society has formulated negative images and conceptualizes ideas about the poor that has become fixed and widely accepted. â€Å"Caribbean Journal† by Cecil Gray, is one such literary presentation that justifies the fact that the poor is negatively stereotyped in society. The poem portrays the rich, enjoying life at its best, picnicking and having fun, and poor, young, dirty and hungry boy observing them, daydreaming about the life and world of the rich. The speaker then predicts that the boy will become frustrated, hence he will become a blasphemer, a criminal, go to prison, or even worst-die, a future determined by the stereotypes of society. The speaker presents two conflicting social classes, the rich versus the poor. With the use of rhyme, metaphors and visual imageries, the speaker effectively portrayed how the poorer class youths are negatively stereotyped.

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